Re: Matter traveling backward in time

Jason Spencer (
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 01:06:45 -0600

At 12:01 AM -0400 8/21/99, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
>Clint O'Dell wrote:
>> Let's assume, for the moment, that there is matter that travels backward in
>> time. We would never see it except for perhaps, maybe, a second. It would
>> suddenly appear then suddenly disapear.
>No it would not. We would see it the entire time. However we would first
>encounter it in what it considers its later life, while it would
>encounter us in what we consider our later life. If I met an anti-matter
>clock, i would think that it is moving backwards, while an anti-matter
>person would think its moving forwards. If I talked with an anti-matter
>person, I would hear their last word first, and their first word
>last.... Any Questions?

Yeah. Assuming for the moment, that there is matter that travels backward in time wouldn't we never see it except for perhaps, maybe, a second? Wouldn't it suddenly appear and then suddenly disappear?

-Jason [fighting not to push send]

Jason Spencer