Clint O'Dell wrote:
No it would not. We would see it the entire time. However we would first
encounter it in what it considers its later life, while it would
encounter us in what we consider our later life. If I met an anti-matter
clock, i would think that it is moving backwards, while an anti-matter
person would think its moving forwards. If I talked with an anti-matter
person, I would hear their last word first, and their first word
last.... Any Questions?
> >That's a pity - I was having visions of civilisations running backwards
> >like a video running backwards. You know, anti-people leaping up out of a
> >pool through a backwards splash onto a diving board; trains reversing back
> >over smashed (long) vintage cars, which reassemble as the train removes
> >itself from them; Ninjas jumping normally off rooves down on to the ground.
> >
> >Nylme
> Let's assume, for the moment, that there is matter that travels backward in
> time. We would never see it except for perhaps, maybe, a second. It would
> suddenly appear then suddenly disapear.
Mike Lorrey