Re: Query: Re: Balloon-Borne Instrument Collects Antimatter

Michael S. Lorrey (
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 23:58:03 -0400

Read up on Richard Feynman's Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Its basically a more understandable treatment of Dirac's original work. Feynman once made the interesting observation that a particle and its anti-particle seem to behave the same if you look at them as moving in opposite directions in time. John Clark's description of two reactions a few days ago shows how you can see this in such a simple reaction.

Clint O'Dell wrote:
> This whole anti-matter travels backward in time is a little confusing to me.
> After all, can't you hold anti-matter? If we are holding a container of
> anti-matter, and of course we are traveling forward in time, wouldn't the
> anti-matter disappear into the past? If not how can you say anti-matter
> travels backward in time?
> My perception of time is an infinite amount of "NOWs". The reason we 'seem'
> to be going forward in time is because we are remembering what happened
> first. We remember events in order. I'm not sure if I'm being clear here
> or not. It's real hard to word.
> Perhaps you are talking about some other type of time?
> Can some please help this physics layman to understand what is meant by the
> word "time" as applied to physics?
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