[Fwd: Leonard Hayflick]

CountZero (count_zero@bigfoot.com)
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 20:02:51 -0400

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Saw the post, did some digging, got this response ;-(

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To: CountZero <count_zero@bigfoot.com>
From: Herb Bowie <herb@powersurgepub.com> Subject: Re: Leonard Hayflick
Cc: public@powersurgepub.com
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Well, yes, I think his views are widespread. This is why he can get away with saying things like he does without getting much comment from the mainstream press.

At 4:51 PM -0400 7/4/99, CountZero wrote:
>Just saw a post on the transhuman@logrus.org mailing list and did a
>search which turned up your
>http://www.powersurgepub.com/books/fa24hbb1.html commentary on his book.
>This guy is _dangerous_, he wants to make sure _I_ die. I don't like
>that at all.
>Are his views widespread?
>If so something needs to be done.

Herb Bowie
Author of "Why Die? A Beginner's Guide to Living Forever"
