(de Garis') are fake neurons

From: Eugene Leitl (eugene.leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 22:42:53 MST

Entropyfoe@aol.com writes:

> So if five synthetic neurons were as powerful as one human one, the power is
> close for 20 billion. Perhaps a further generation, a thousand times larger
> still. This is when things get interesting...2011 doesent seem that far
> away now does it?!?!?

Why engage in arithmomancy? CAs are a powerful means of simulation,
but de Garis' are sequential CAs. So what if five thousand synthetic
neurons were as powerful as one human one? And not even realtime?
And what if Moore's law saturates before 2011?


P.S. "(Eugene Leitl) aus Deutschland hat geschrieben..."
     It's Southern California, for gawdssakes!

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