Cheerful libertarianism

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 14:39:17 MDT

  • Next message: Randy S: "Re: Cheerful libertarianism"

    Apropos some of our earlier discussions, here is a good essay by David
    Brin. Replace "libertarian" with "transhumanist" and you get a powerful

    (long version at

    Here's a thought that might help freedom-loving men and women win
    elective office and gain influence over society's future course: Perhaps
    our fellow citizens aren't fools after all!

    Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
    GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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