Globalized Competition for Thee, But Not For Me! (was Re: protectionism)

From: randy (
Date: Sun Aug 10 2003 - 00:03:50 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Thinking the unthinkable: taboos and transhumanism"

    On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 13:33:13 +1000, you wrote

    >At 04:32 PM 8/9/03 -0400, Ron h. wrote:
    >> I can't for the life of me understand why having one side of a
    >>transaction practice freemarket economics while the other party to the
    >>practices protectionism to beggar the first party can be described as a
    >>freemarket economy or beneficial to all concerned.
    >Oddly enough, this is pretty much the way many Aussie exporters (especially
    >of meat and grain) feel about the US, I understand; many goods are either
    >locked out or subject to absurd tariffs. Meanwhile, we hear preachments
    >about the global economy from these alleged freemarketers.

    Yes, the free market is in direct proportion to the degree of
    organization within a particular industry or profession or most
    importantly a social or economic class or income level.

    Farmers are quite organized and have powerful lobbies. Thus they can
    stifle foreign compeition.

     What every American wants is have all the OTHER Americans in OTHER
    industries face global competition in order to have better products to
    buy at lower costs for themselves, while at the same time NOT have to
    have foreign competition in their own industry.


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