Re: Ground-breaking work in understanding of time

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 20:19:52 MDT

  • Next message: Natasha Vita-More: "RE: Being Extropic"

    At 03:53 PM 7/31/03 -0700, Jeff wrote:


    I see that this poorly written and somewhat Sokal-like piece of fluff is
    attributed to a PR agent:
        Independent Communications Consultant

    < "Naturally the parameter and boundary of their respective position and
    magnitude are naturally determinable up to the limits of possible
    measurement as stated by the general quantum hypothesis and Heisenberg's
    uncertainty principle, but this indeterminacy in precise value is not a
    consequence of quantum uncertainty. What this illustrates is that in
    relation to indeterminacy in precise physical magnitude, the micro and
    macroscopic are inextricably linked, both being a part of the same parcel,
    rather than just a case of the former underlying and contributing to the
    latter." >

    Naturally. Yeep.

    Damien Broderick

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