Re: [GKES] figuring out just what everyone is here is doing to bring on a better world

From: Aubrey de Grey (
Date: Mon Jul 21 2003 - 08:29:20 MDT

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "Re: Death by Chocolate"

    Here you go.

    Aubrey de Grey


    Name: Aubrey de Grey


    Activities: I work on expediting the development of "real anti-aging
    medicine", i.e. therapies that will genuinely and indefinitely extend
    healthy human life expectancy. I don't do lab work; instead I publish
    proposals for such therapies based on other people's work. My other
    projects/initiatives in this area include co-administering a prize for
    the development of progressively longer-lived mice (the Methuselah
    Mouse Prize), organising conferences focused on research to develop
    real anti-aging medicine, and soliciting serious money for the founding
    of an institute to get such research done more quickly.

    Key web sites/pages: All my published work, reports
                                            on past conferences, etc Methuselah Mouse Prize Upcoming conference Proposed institute

    How to Help:

    IF YOU'RE A BIOLOGIST: come to the conference in September, or if you
       can't do that then read my papers on the technologies we need to
       develop in order to cure aging and start work on your favourite one.
       Oh, and let me know, so that I can put you in touch with others who
       are working on the same field.
    IF YOU'RE A JOURNALIST: write about my work, but perhaps even more
       importantly interview other mainstream biogerontologists (the more
       senior and high-profile the better) and ask them to explain why they
       don't think we'd cure aging any time soon by the approach I advocate.
       And also come to the conference in September.
    IF YOU'RE WEALTHY: contribute to the Methuselah Mouse Prize fund, and
       ask me what research you could productively fund.
    IF YOU'RE EXTREMELY WEALTHY: ask me more about the proposed Institute
       of Biomedical Gerontology.
    WHOEVER YOU ARE: talk to your friends/family/colleagues about what life
       would be like without aging and find out what they don't like about
       the idea. Get better at rebutting their arguments.

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