A vision

From: Anders Sandberg (asa@nada.kth.se)
Date: Sat Jul 12 2003 - 05:42:47 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Evolutionary fix of mosquitos"

    [Just something I wrote in the early northern morning, inspired by the
    fierce growth of the surrounding vegitation and some discussions about
    the need for values to meet green conservatism. ]

    I have a vision of the future.

    Within a fairly short time we will have the technological tools to
    manipulate matter at the molecular scale, making both manufacturing and
    recycling nearly perfect. Advances in artificial intelligence will
    enable more or less smart devices to act on their own, allowing teams of
    robots to build vast structures as desired or process enormous amounts
    of information in order to design solutions to many problems. We will
    have the tools to redesign ourselves and our environment according to
    our visions.

    Soon the solar system will change beyond recognition. Surrounding the
    Earth space habitats with their own artificial ecospheres will orbit in
    vast bands. Within each there is room for millions of people to shape
    their own culture. Similar, but even vaster habitats are being wrought
    by the material of the asteroid belt and the cometary nuclei. Slowly a
    sphere is being formed by millions of habitats, solar power collectors
    and other devices around the sun drinking its life-giving energy and
    radiating communications of all kinds. In the end most of the solar
    output will be used by life rather than dissipate into the cold of

    On Mars eagles soar above the Valles Marineris and dolphins explore the
    new Boralis Sea as ecopiesis and terraforming makes it inhabitable. What
    started out as a apocalypse of comets guided to crash into the planet
    and self-replicating nanomachines producing greenhouse gasses, breaking
    down carbonate rocks and freeing water first made the planet warm and
    wet enough for life . mostly genetically modified algae and lichens . to
    survive on their own. Gradually the life transformed the environment
    into something more and more terrestrial species could inhabit. Mars
    will never become a copy of Earth; the lower gravity, the red rocks, the
    uneven seasons, colder and dryer climate and the two moons will make
    sure of that. Over the eons life will adapt more fully to Mars until
    what started out as transplanted species will have become entirely new
    species that are truly native.

    On Mercury an ecosystem of machines is thriving. Self-replicating
    machines mine the rocky surface, extracting metals and semiconductors
    they use to build solar collectors. Deliberately designed to evolve they
    are inventing an ecology of glittering artificial life in shapes
    unimaginable to human planning. Some solutions are as creative and
    unexpected as wood . a wonderful material with many desirable
    properties, but nothing that any engineer could deliberately think up .
    and serve as inspiration for the rest of the solar system.

    In the seas of Europa adapted deep-sea lifeforms are slowly colonising
    the volcanic vents on the bottom of the sea. Most of them are variants
    of the ecologies around terrestrial volcanic vents, but strange new
    algae designed to make use of the weak light and heat now live beneath
    the thick ice. On Earth they have survived in their nearly unchanging
    ecological niche for hundreds of millions of years; on Europa their
    niche will likely persist for billions of years.

    In the tar-like seas of ethane on Titan new forms of life designed from
    scratch are evolving. Instead of water they use hydrocarbons, and
    instead of photosynthesis they gather nutrients raining down from the
    clouds and the forces of the vast tidal flows.

    And around the gas planets vast projects are underway to build ships
    that will bring the seeds of the solar system outwards to other stars.
    Fuelled by energy from the enormous solar collectors and mass from the
    gas atmospheres, they hold the collected information of the life of the
    solar system . genomes, human culture, the blueprints for new habitats.
    Are they crewed? Some might be filled with humans or human descendants,
    others by our artificial descendants or simple replication systems. Once
    they reach another system they will settle on a suitable asteroid and
    use it to build a larger base with room for greater minds, who in turn
    will use their stored knowledge and equipment to built yet larger and
    more versatile homes. Just as a tiny seed can unfold a few small leaves
    and roots that gives it the energy and nutrients needed to grow more
    leaves, more roots and strive towards the sun, the solar system seeds
    will bootstrap themselves into ever greater and diverse forms once they
    reach their destination and finally become adult civilisations.

    Lets zoom outwards in time and space. From the perspective of the galaxy
    the yellow dwarf star on the outskirts of the Orion arm has never been
    unusual. But first it sends out a burst of strangely ordered radio
    signals. Soon afterwards it begins to change as if the solar system
    around it was turning into a globe more carefully using its energy for
    something. Nearly instantly . a few scant millennia . other stars in the
    vicinity begins to change in a variety of ways. A wavefront is expanding
    outwards turning empty solar systems and raw matter into something new
    and complex: habitats for life. In some cases this might be the
    terraforming of planets or the construction of habitats in space. In
    other cases entire planets are dismantled to build enormous concentric
    shells of energy collection, computing nodes and cooling systems that
    enable vast computer networks to house information ecologies far more
    complex than the biological one that once grew on the first planet. Here
    and there entire stars are disassembled to provide for longer lasting
    sources of warmth than they would naturally be. As the wavefront passes
    the galaxy changes, becomes a home to life and thought and not just to
    mass and energy.

    And after it has transformed the milky way the wave continues outwards .
    to the Magellanic clouds, to Andromeda and the other galaxies in the
    local cluster, taking the vast jump to the Virgo cluster, embracing the
    local supercluster and beyond. This is my vision of the future: a future
    where life embraces and fills the universe.

    One might argue that what I have described is not the triumph of life
    but the triumph of human culture and technology. But what is human
    culture and technology but an expression of life? The human species is
    just another species doing what it can to survive. In our case we
    stumbled on the unusual ecological niche of making tools to help us and
    eventually build our own ecological niches, something which was aided by
    (or perhaps caused by, causing or co-evolving with) our vast
    communications and thinking abilities. There are many species that use
    simple tools to survive better, or construct environments that please
    them . insect larvae assembling gravel coatings, birds picking
    caterpillars with sticks, corals constructing reefs. Are they in any
    respect different from our clothing, hammers and cities? A city is not
    just an artefact but also an ecosystem: countless other species have
    moved in and survive there thanks to the actions of the keystone species
    Homo sapiens. Given enough time natural evolution would likely produce
    adaptations to city life among the plants and animals just as bizarre
    and beautiful as the one seen on coral reefs and in tropical jungles. It
    is only because our cities are so young and not intended to be
    ecosystems (and because we do not pay attention) they appear
    impoverished and sterile.

    It is true that humans will play a key role in this vision. But it is
    not primarily a story about the hegemony of humanity over the natural
    world. It is true that this vision has room for all varieties of human
    futures and ambitions, from quiet contemplation to vastening into
    godlike posthuman states. While the humans might consider themselves the
    rulers, they are unwittingly serving life by expanding its niches to new
    places, places where life would never have been able to go naturally.
    Evolution can never reach a local optimum separated from current species
    by a sufficiently broad desert of non-viable species; no matter what it
    cannot evolve the molecular machinery to build diamond skeletons,
    spaceflight or survival on Mercury. This is something that requires what
    is currently uniquely human, foresight and technology. Intelligence is
    necessary for the long-term survival and expansion of life. By expanding
    outwards (for whatever reasons) humanity brings with itself other
    species. Some as food and companions, some as freeriders and parasites
    and likely, when crossing great gulfs, many .just in case. to make sure
    no diversity is lost. Some might be visionaries wanting to save or
    expand life for its own sake, but the beauty is that not all humans need
    to be. A vision that required all humans to act as one would remain just
    a beautiful vision; a vision merely requiring that humans continue to do
    what it always has done is far more likely.

    Pessimists among us might complain that in the past we humans have often
    destroyed the environment of life, and that this is also something that
    is likely to continue. But most of this destruction has been due to
    ignorance and limited resources: when you are half starving you do not
    care that your next meal is an endangered keystone species. It is thanks
    to the affluence and efficiency of modern technology we can reduce our
    ecological footprints and undo some of the damage. If one believes that
    mankind is always the destroyer, then my vision is not possible. But
    given that assumption no other positive vision of the future is
    possible, not even sustainability on the Earth. On the other hand, if
    one assumes humanity can take care of its biosphere (however
    imperfectly), then there is no hindrance to spreading that biosphere
    outwards and hoping for the best.

    As I see it the word life should not be interpreted narrowly and
    parochially as our particular kind of water-protein organisation but as
    complex self-replicating and evolving systems as a whole. The machine
    ecology of Mercury, the methane ecology of Titan and the software living
    within the vast computing networks are all examples of generalised life.
    We will not just expand the niches of traditional life but also create
    new kinds of life . as experiments, as art, as adaptations. And these
    forms of life are equally worth our reverence and appreciation as the
    traditional wet kind. There is no fundamental difference between created
    and born life, except possibly that the former has a morally responsible

    Some readers no doubt find my vision distasteful just because it
    replaces the natural with the artificial. There are those who argue that
    terraforming a planet is a crime against its natural environment. But
    when plants begin to colonise a newly formed volcanic island, is that a
    crime? Hardly, and it is seen as natural. Would it be a crime to
    deliberately scatter seeds on the island? It might have less of the
    appeal of surprise a natural scattering would have engendered in a human
    observer, but from the perspective of the plants and rocks there is no
    difference. Scattering seeds across the universe is the same thing on a
    vast scale. Perhaps most important, life remakes itself. A typical tool
    when left to itself will not change (except for some decay). Life
    reproduces and evolves, exploring new possibilities almost by
    definition. Even a strictly manufactured living environment will become
    something else given enough time. It will become born rather than made,
    but it could not exist without the initial manufacture. Humanity is both
    steward of life and a player in its emergence.

    One might argue that this is just a .quantity is quality. vision, that
    the number of living things do not matter. Why convert teratonnes or
    matter into plants, animals and humans when only a few would be
    necessary? But the same argument suggests that we would be just as well
    off with a single patch of vegetation in an otherwise empty gravel
    desert as an entire meadow. One reason the meadow is better than the
    patch is that it can sustain more species and more complexity than the
    patch; it can be a part of the interplay between biomes. It is also more
    stable to damage and is needed to sustain large animals like horses. But
    it is also necessary to allow more uniqueness. As I see it life has an
    inherent worth compared to the matter and energy of the universe. It has
    the potential of growth, change and awareness disorganised rock and
    plasma lack. Due to its evolutionary and individual past each organism
    is contingent . it was shaped due to its genes and surroundings in an
    unique way that will never occur again. Each of us, each blade of grass
    or bacteria, is a kind of one-of-a-kind snowflake. I hope the universe
    will be filled with a snowstorm of these.

    What about other life in the universe? In this ecological vision there
    is not just room for it, it is something to be sought out, cherished and
    spread just as we will spread our own kind. Life is life.

    What about the alternative to my vision? Imagine the following
    .sustainable. vision: mankind contents itself to the Earth, remaining
    static either deliberately or by quietly dying out. Life continues on
    Earth, while the bodies of the solar system revolve as nothing has
    happened. Species come and go on Earth, while the sun slowly but
    inexorably increases in luminosity. In a few hundred million years the
    increasing heat overcomes the homeostasis of the biosphere and it
    largely dies out, leaving a Venus-like world of heavy smog and gravel.
    In a few billion years the sun grows into a red giant and engulfs the
    inner system. What is eventually left is either a frozen husk of slag
    orbiting a white dwarf or just a hint of extra lithium in the spectrum
    of the planetary nebula around it.

    Is this vision desirable? It is the .natural. chain of events that will
    result if humanity does not change things. There is room within it for
    billions of species and thousands of grand civilisations. But it ends
    ignominiously and it is fundamentally limited.

    On a larger scale there might be biospheres emerging all the time around
    distant stars: small stalks of grass growing in the dark soil of the
    Milky Way. But without intelligence supporting them they all shrivel and
    die before any chance of seeding. Each biosphere, filled with uniqueness
    and potential, will vanish without a trace, without even one conscious

    The desire to protect the natural is a desire to protect the contingent
    and valuable from the ravages of entropy . or just conservatism
    devaluing human ambition and creativity. Unfortunately the two are often
    confused. This vision is all about protecting and nurturing nature at
    its largest by means of vast human ambition. The triumph of the
    denigration of the artificial and deliberate would be not just the
    abandonment of humanity but also the eventual betrayal of the only
    chance life has to continue growing.

    It has been said that growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. This is
    true, but it is also the ideology of the orchid. Without constant
    attempts to sprout seeds everywhere the orchid would die out. Even if it
    did survive at a guaranteed constant number it would not have any
    incentive to evolve. It is the constant struggle to produce more orchids
    that have made orchids evolve their bulbs and air-roots, their amazing
    flowers to entice insects and vast variety of ecological niches. It is
    thanks to growth and evolution that we achieve beauty.

    I propose that we will turn the universe into a garden.

    Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!
    asa@nada.kth.se                            http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/
    GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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