Re: Why Does Self-Discovery Require a Journey?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 12:28:20 MDT

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    On Monday 07 July 2003 18:14, Robin Hanson wrote:

    > There is a key difference between wanting to want and wanting to believe
    > that you want. I hypothesize that people want, and want to want, ignoble
    > things, but that they want others to believe that they want, and want to
    > want, noble things. Therefore they do not want to believe that they want,
    > and want to want, ignoble things.

    Please clarify what you believe these "ignoble" things are that you
    hypothesize people "really" want regardless of what they say.

    > Self-alteration is primarily only at the service of things you want
    > (including things you want to want). So if people really want to be
    > ignoble, then self-alteration will only make them more so.

    Why would you put the supposedly distinct things people want above what they
    want to want which presumably include their "higher" or less "ignoble"
    aspirations? Why would self-modification more likely server what you
    believe is the base reality?

    - samantha

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