RE: Cryonics and uploading as leaps of faith?

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 20:23:42 MDT

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: Food labels and consumer information (was Re: Protesters swarm Calif. biotech meeting)"

    > Emlyn O'regan writes:
    > > I'm still stuck on "I exist" => "Something exists" =>
    > > I don't exist" => "Nothing exists". Ack.
    Brett Paasch wrote:
    > I think (but am not sure) you are mixing up your levels of
    > abstraction.
    > I (undefined and possibly including *nothing*) exist
    > does *not* imply that *something* exists.

    (I've snipped the rest of what you said; I need to think about it more, and
    get back to it)

    I postulate that I is something; that's my axiom. I exist. I am, and I am
    something, therefore something exists.

    As I've said, I could start from "Something exists", but it wont change the
    fact the "I exist" would also be axiomatic; I know it to be true (that's the
    point of this whole discussion).

    What it all highlights is that "I am" produces "I am not". ie: the big "I"
    concept just can't be consistent, as many philosophies seem to have
    acknowledged (further, to have been based upon).


    Why I bring this up is the following: If there is no "I", if "I" am merely a
    self-reinforcing, self replicating pattern of information, what is my driver
    to prolong the existence of said pattern? Why would I want to continue it,
    or copy it?

    In other words, if there is no self, then why do I care about life
    extension, uploading, issues of teleportation or even staying alive one more
    minute? What is (can be) the point of it, if all I am is bits in the
    information maelstrom?


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