Re: Atheism as a spandrel? (was Re: Deep River/Deep Sleep etc)

From: Dennis Fantoni (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 10:04:45 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "A small step towards uploading"

    > Extropianism and Transhumanism will require major funds to promote itself and attract more than the >passionate few, such as ourselves.

    I have some time ago realized that i will probably need quite a lot of resources ( e.g. money ) to reach my goals with a high probabillity of success. Thus - i have been investing my time in two areas of work 1) get good at earning, managing and preserving money. 2) get good at science in general.
    I will graduate from the it-university of copenhagen this fall ( diploma in IT) and i have my own company, and do consultancy systems development for a nice hourly charge. In my sparetime i try to figure how to survive in the financial markets, and try to look for situations which will grow my account.

    I was previously a computer consultant, but was self-taught and i must admit that i cound read and understand a c++ (or insert any of 10 other computing languages) sorting algorithm, but not the same written in greek (err. math or stuff like that ) Now i can read allmost any research article and understand the process of writing such stuff as well as the math in them. It's quite nice to move to this level of understanding of science.

    Regarding money, i am a seasoned stock trader, and i am building a stock market simulator that will enable me to make a stock trading strategy ( programmed as a java class ) work like if it was running in the historic stock market. With a little addons the system will be able to modify such trading strategies and hopefully it will help me test and discard or refine trading strategies at a much faster pace than what i can do today by hand.

    When i get rich beyond own immidiate ( say a few decades worth of consumption) needs, i will of course fund researchers that wants to research in areas that i find personally interesting.

    Perhaps we should set up some kind of list of "extropian research and projects worthy of funding" so that those among us that are rich enough on resources or time can make sure they help out where it matters the most.



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