Re: [Iraq] The real reason for the war

From: John K Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 11:53:46 MDT

  • Next message: Hal Finney: "Re: LUDD/CRYPTO: Anti-luddites need to get WASTEd"

    "Hubert Mania" <>

    > If in June 2003 you are still on the same level as your fellow republican
    >US politicians while dealing with ultra conservative monkey business
    >like territorial pissings with funnily talking Arabs who stubbornly deny
    >wearing blue jeans and display this strange effeminate outfit while
    >unexpectedly rejecting the American way of life altogether, could it be
    >that your Pentagon- and-White-House-dominated thinking in union
    >with adrenalin-aided visualisations of smashing those Middle Eastern
    >bastards which amplifies the already existing territorial bullshit in
    >your brain and - in connection with an artificially produced feeling of
    >helplessness and lack of security - evokes a cry for a Rumsfeldian
    >solution and thus leads to an endlessly intensified vicious circle of
    >astonishingly flexible ancient lizard brain circuits that spread the
    >message towards the cortex to merely defend American borders
    >between Kairo and Teheran and boosts testosterone-contaminated
    >mammal behaviour which finally leads to a general regress of brain
    >quality as well, are a bit too one-dimensional to be called
    > transhuman - or extropian, if you like?

    Ah, could I have that question one more time?

    > Sorry for my bad English. I wish I could write in German.

    Since English is not your native language I'll cut you some slack but let me
    give you some tips. In English we have a thing called a period, it looks
    like this (.) we use it to keep our prose from becoming too convoluted.
    Also, it's all very well to think up new and innovative ways to call George
    Bush an ass but I have found that writing in English (perhaps other
    languages too) is more interesting if it has a point and actually contains
    an idea, you might want to give it a try someday. Hope this helps.

              John K Clark

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