Re:META: Dishonest debate (was "cluster bombs")

Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 00:54:43 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "Re: META: Dishonest debate (was "cluster bombs")"

    Eliezer said:

    "It is *ridiculous* to suppose that *anyone* on the Extropians mailing list,
    regardless of their other politics, supports Hussein. The prior probability
    is so low that making such a comment is either an ad hominem debating tactic,
    or human tribal thinking resulting in the sheer STUPIDITY and WARPING of
    intellect necessary to distort one's probabilities THAT FAR away from the
    simple COMMON SENSE that NOBODY on the Extropians mailing list is likely
    to support Hussein! What is going on here cannot possibly be Bayesian

    I would normally be the first to agree with you Eliezer, it would be extremely
    odd and unlikely to suspect someone on the extropian list would support a
    regime like that of Hussiens. However, I should note in this thread,;action=display;threadid=56165;st
    art=15 (perhaps ironically included in the title is 'Twisted ethics prevelant
    on extropy board')

    Extropian Jeff Davis said of Vietnam (points I plan to debate with him in the
    near future):

    "[there is] No "enslavement" by the communists, just a different form of
    government facing the difficult task of rebuilding a country savaged by
    124 years of foreign dictatorships, and made all the more difficult by the
    opposition of the political elite of the world's richest and most powerful
    country. An elite filled with hostility by their defeat at the hands of a
    people with the brains, discipline, and courage to pay the enormous price
    required to "refuse" the tyranny of foreign dictators"


    "All governments have laws for the maintenance of social order. Freedom of
    speech has its limitations. I may not cry "fire!" in a crowded theater, nor
    advocate the violent overthrow of the US government. Communists (and their
    subsequent governments), under siege by the capitalists from before the ink
    was dry on the "Manifesto", feel the need to protect themselves from foreign

    It seems Jeff is essentially shifting the blame of communist attrocities to
    the capitalists. Anyway, for the relation to Iraq, I will further note that
    Freedom house, a non-profit non-partison organization

    Gave Iraq its lowest political Rights rating, that of 7, its lowest Civil
    Liberties rating, also 7, and a general status of 'Not Free'

    Similiarly, Freedom house gave Vietnam a rating of 7,6, and Not free as well.
    I should note that Freedomhouse has been ranking countries since the mid 60's,
    and only recently did Vietnam escalate from the lowest possible rating of
    7,7,NF to 7,6,NF, and Freedom House still considers Vietnam to be one of the
    10 Worst regimes in the world.

    Freedomhouse's web site describes the ratings systems.

    No doubt other freedom ratings systems will return similiar results. Freedom
    House essentially ranks Vietnam as terrible of a regime as Iraq, yet Jeff
    clearly feels Vietnam is a legitimate govt.

    Given that, it is not a stretch of imagination to feel that other members of
    this list might for some reason feel Hussien's Iraq regime was legitimate.
    Recently Humania insisted that 'Americas brutal form of capitalism should
    be stopped' (paraphrasing, he has yet to elaborate on this statement) and
    a few months ago I and others participated in a debate with an individual
    who was clearly an anarcho-socialist. I can only fathom what intellectual
    history these individuals underwent to come to these conclusions and still be
    extropians, but there is no doubt that one can never be absolutely sure there
    are no communist extropians, no dictator favoring extropians, and even no
    luddite extropians (hey, who knows what people will internally justify)

    I would suggest then not to be so quick to assume what idealogical
    similiarities calling oneself an 'extropian' might bring. There is no doubt
    reading Jeff other posts that he shares all the qualities we would consider
    extropian, embracing technological advancement, prolonging human life,
    encouraging the development of AI, etc. etc. However, a deep idealogical
    rift is present among him and other members of this list, such as myself, and
    no doubt many other intellectual chasms exist which both sides will find it
    difficult to understand, though I am all for trying.


    Michael Dickey

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