RE: Global Warming: Dead Letter

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 09:54:48 MDT

  • Next message: Harvey Newstrom: "RE: The mistake of agriculture (was: evolution and diet)"

    > I hereby declare Global Warming to be a dead issue. See the following:

    Actually, this is a mixed bag. They actually confirmed global warming and
    conceded that it was probably caused by humans, and then calculated that it
    was occurring at a slower rate than previously thought. Pro-global-warmists
    will hype this as confirmation of their theory, while anti-global-warmists
    will hype this as refutation of their theory. In reality, it is a mixture
    of both, with the truth somewhere in-between.

    They estimated a "95%" confidence in satellite data. I am sure more studies
    will be done to increase that confidence. The also gave the rate of
    increase per century as a single number as if it were linear. I would like
    to see graphs to see if it is steady of if it is increasing. The actual
    rate turns out to be one and a quarter degrees Fahrenheit each century. But
    since the satellites only measured two decades, it is still hard to predict
    whether this trend will continue into future centuries. I don't think the
    question of global warming in the future is settled yet, but the immediate
    emergency seems to have been substantially delayed.

    I actually hope that global warming is caused by humans, because that puts
    it under our control. If the cause is "probably caused by humans" as this
    study says, it might increase as technology and population increases. Or it
    might go away as we miniaturize technology and become more energy efficient.
    Or it might be solved by technology with air scrubbers or energy pumps that
    get energy by taking heat out of the atmosphere

    The actual data trend graph and interactive global map of temperatures over
    time as recorded by these satellites can be viewed at

    Harvey Newstrom, CISSP, IAM, GSEC, IBMCP
    <> <>

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