Re: The mistake of agriculture (was: evolution and diet)

Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 08:55:14 MDT

  • Next message: gts: "RE: The mistake of agriculture (was: evolution and diet)"

    "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> said:
    > Let's not forget standing armies. Agriculture enabled people to produce
    > more food than they needed to feed themselves alone, enabling the rise of
    > a ruling class that subsisted off other people's work and could force them
    > to work 16-hour days to feed as many boss-class individuals as possible.
    > And of course, the transition to agriculture marks the transition from
    > work to which we are adapted, and which we presumably found fulfilling or
    > at least tolerable, to "work" in the sense of mental-energy-sapping,
    > life-force-draining labor.

    The Extropo_Libertarian_Filter has detected the following forbidden words and
    phrases in your post:

    --"Ruling class"
    --"Boss class"
    --"Other people's work"
    --"Force them to work"


    You are henceforth warned that further use of such forbidden words and
    phrases endangers your posting privileges on this list.

    You may instead substitute the following approved words and phrases:

    --"Ruling class" --> "upwardly mobile entrpreneurs"
    --"Boss class"-->"team leaders"
    --"Other people's work"-->"life"
    --"Force them to work"-->"offer them life"

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