Re: "liberal media"

From: Samantha (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 12:16:39 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: "liberal media""

    On Wednesday 14 May 2003 06:04 am, Harvey Newstrom wrote:
    > wrote,
    > > I believe the socialists got term by going back and taking
    > > it from the founding fathers in the American Revolution.
    > > If so that is a clear case of using a label to attempt to
    > > conceal.
    > I think it is more likely that socialists and communists and even
    > Nazis were probably more misguided then deliberately dishonest.
    > Humans usually tend to believe in what they are doing, no matter
    > how obviously wrong it seems to others. Where disagreements arise,
    > it is human nature to assume the other side is deliberately being
    > dishonest. "Never attribute to conspiracy that which is adequately
    > explained by stupidity."

    Ah, but sometimes assuming conspiracy is by far the more generous
    interpretation. Otherwise I would assume far too many of my fellow
    creatures, especially many of those in positions of tremendous power
    for good or (usually) ill, are stupid. Yet their consistent
    following of their stupid/conspirational policies often seems quite
    thorough and intelligent. Thus I don't believe this piece of advice.
     Rather I think of what I would do if I were in their position under
    various fundamental ideas/beliefs until one seems to match. Saying
    they are stupid is also far too lenient. It excuses everything and
    explains nothing.

    - samantha

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