Re: CRON Diet Problems

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 21:18:20 MDT

  • Next message: Brian Atkins: "Re: Experiences with Atkins diet"

    I've been experimenting recently and find a roughly 600 cal breakfast of
    two sausage patties, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 scrambled eggs w/ a bit of
    cheese, and some chai keeps me from getting hungry until at least 6-7
    hours later. Being in ketosis also seems to significantly help. Although
    I'm not trying at all for a CR diet, having a breakfast like this seems
    to make it quite easy to stay in the 1500 cal area if I wanted. Might be
    worth trying for a week for any CR'ers out there, but for best results
    make your other meals also low carb and don't expect full anti-appetite
    results until at least a few days into it.

    Brian Atkins
    Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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