RE: Doomsday vs Diaspora

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 10:07:54 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "Name Calling vs. Ad Hominem"

    Spike writes

    > Harvey Stated:
    > > Whole planets will be converted to computers
    > > for some giant tasks, but not every planet.

    Why not? At this level of technology, everyone can
    be emulated, and so why shouldn't every bit of matter
    within reach be converted to computronium?

    Spike writes

    > The Jupiter brain is so smart that it runs a sim of
    > you, which allows it to anticipate your every question,

    We view people like other chaotic systems, and do not
    see them as computationally compressible. Therefore,
    when the Jbrain runs an emulation of you, that *is*

    I infer that what you and Harvey are talking about is
    a "real" person at some remove from the "computer".
    After we have advanced technology, why would matter
    be squandered running people as non-uploads?


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