Re: Experiences with Atkins diet

From: BillK (
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 09:10:15 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Doomsday vs Diaspora"

    New evidence supports the theory that a high-fiber diet including
    grains, cereals and fruits substantially lowers the risk of colon cancer.

    Two large studies show that people who eat an average of 35 grams of
    fiber per day can have their risk of colorectal cancer reduced by a
    quarter compared with people who eat an average of 15 grams per day.

    END Quote

    I think this is one example of what Lee and Eliezer are pointing out.
    Colorectal cancer tends to be one of the diseases of old age and the
    diet that helps to prevent it did not exist in paleolithic times. The
    paleo-diet is for young, very active humans, with no consideration for
    the over 30s, because pretty much nobody lived over 30 then.

    So if you aim to live life to the max and go out in a blaze of glory in
    your 20s, then go for the paleo-diet. You know it makes sense - that's
    what they did for over a million years.


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