Re: Consensus diet

From: gts (
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 08:16:02 MDT

  • Next message: Greg Jordan: "Re: Hunting"

    I would define a meta-rule to make most if not all
    other rules superfluous:

    In addition to about 8 glasses of water per day,
    consume a diverse diet of nutrient-dense foods, where
    nutrient density is defined as Nutrients/Calories
    (N/C), calculated thusly:

    g = grams

    N = protein g + fiber g + vitamins g + minerals g +
    phytonutrients g + non-saturated fats g

    C = calories

    and "nutrient dense foods" is defined as "foods from
    roughly the top 1/2 of a list of foods sorted
    according to N/C."

    By making the diet diverse from the higher N/C foods
    one will be sure to consume a reasonably balanced diet
    containing all important nutrients. The formula for
    nutrient density should be and can be further refined
    by calculating reasonable factors for the variables in
    the numerator (specifically to give greater weight to
    vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, such that they
    are not insignificant vs the much higher greater gram
    weights of proteins and healthy fats), but in general
    this skeleton formula above will lead to a very
    healthy diet.

    PS. By eliminating low nutrient density foods, the
    diet will be a reasonable approximation of the
    paleodiet upon which our species evolved. Do not
    however cite this supposed coincidence to your friends
    as evidence in favor of paleodiet theory unless you
    want bored nay-sayers among them to suggest that you
    have no good understanding of evolution science, or
    that you are a Luddite in disguise, or some other such


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