Re: The Coming World Police System

Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 11:33:31 MDT

  • Next message: Harvey Newstrom: "RE: Experiences with Atkins diet"

    In a message dated 4/30/2003 12:08:10 PM Central Standard Time, quotes apparently Phil Osborn: The reason for the new
    system is pretty much as they have stated it, but a little more radical.
    Basically, they accept Conrad Schnieker's hypothesis about the exponentially
    rising curve of cheap weapons of annihilation - binary viruses, etc., which
    Conrad, one of the originators of "nanotechnology" as a focused movement and
    theory, stated in the late '70's.

    Phil seems to express the underlying thought convictions of some people on
    this list. I wonder if this approach including transparency will pass the
    test of Occams razor.
           On 9-11 the guys used box cutters. I am told that an ingenuous person
    could find weapons even today -- but one major factor has changed. Before
    9-11 the smart people knew the way to handle a hijacker was to surrender, let
    him fly you to Cuba and enjoy the ride. Now we know that isn't true and we
    have an entirely different paradigm. I seriously doubt if three or four guys
    with box cutters would get very far in taking over an airplane today.
           Similarly, universal surveillance has some serious flaws. As fast as
    we could install the system the bad guys would be out there subverting it.
           On the other hand if you read the sites I have given you, you will
    find an excellent analysis by Russian intelligence analyzing what is going
    wrong around the world. They seem to think the trouble spots of the world
    are those places that were formerly Soviet clients. If you read Barnett's
    analysis (found on line) from the March Esquire you will find that him and
    the Russians agree on which countries are the problem spots. In other words
    there is a well established set of theories that agree on the problem and on
    the solution.
           If you agree with DeSoto then the solution is much less expensive than
    installing a universal surveillance system. In fact, DeSoto says that
    sufficient capital exists in each of the 3rd world countries to lift them
    into modernity. He also suggests how to get this done through the existing
    political systems. He has demonstrated that his changes are politically
    attainable. Surprise, surprise, politicians love doing things that are
    politically popular and get them reelected.
           Finally, anyone that bothers to get on line and reads the English
    language editions of middle eastern newspapers will find that it is the
    dictators of those countries that are keeping the terrorists stirred up.

    Ron h.



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