Re: The Coming World Police System

Date: Sun Apr 27 2003 - 21:05:21 MDT

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    In a message dated 4/27/2003 6:52:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes: However, they're not planning a new Roman
    empire, as far as I can tell. Instead, they've used Afganistan and now Iraq
    as demonstrations to the world as to intent, capability, resolve... The rest
    of the world can join the winning team or take their chances.

           There is an article in the March issue of Esquire that is being
    ballyhooed as being the strategic vision of the governments pet strategist.
    You can find it at
     <A HREF="">>

           I do not know if that article, or you, is directly on target but I
    certainly think you are on the trail.
           John Taylor Gatto takes the position that you don't need a conspiracy
    if you have a bunch of people with the same bias. Reading the paper I see
    books like The Lexus and the Olive Tree, The Mystery of Capital and perhaps
    The Lucifer Principle touting a view of the world that if not exactly the
    same at least reconcile one with the other. In addition I see in the papers
    that every world leader in any field that counts is attending economic get
    togethers to discuss their ideas.
           From all of this I don't deduce there is a conspiracy but it seems
    like there is an opinion beginning to jell. That opinion or "shared bias"
    seems to be that like in Barnett's March Esquire article a certain relatively
    few countries are causing all the trouble -- that it is time to bring them
    into the community of nations and share not only the wealth but the knowledge
    of how to get wealth with those poor countries.
           Please keep talking, I want to hear more of your thoughts.
    Ron h.

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