Re: FITNESS: Diet and Exercise

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 01:20:52 MDT

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: GOV: US Reputation (RE: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall)"

    gts wrote:
    > Damien Sullivan wrote:
    >>But that doesn't mean the grains are bad, vs. how we treat them.
    > I think the question is not whether grains are "good" or "bad" in any
    > absolute sense. It is rather "What are the best sources of calories?"
    > Agricultural products, including whole grains, are very low on the list when
    > ranked according to a nutrients/calorie ratio. The same is true for dairy
    > products. It's better to lose these foods from the diet and replace the lost
    > calories with those from nutrient-dense foods.

    All agricultural products? Including the greens and beans that
    are a higher source of protein than meats? Which nutrients do
    you have in mind? Doesn't it give you pause that you are
    lumping both "nutrients" as a whole and "agricultural products"
    as a whole?


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