RE: FITNESS: Diet and Exercise

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Apr 13 2003 - 16:03:09 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: The first hero of the war"

    Brian Atkins wrote,
    > Unfortunately I don't have time currently to do much more
    > than skim this list, but I would like to chime in here
    > and give my opinion that based on some reading I've been
    > doing lately I am beginning to believe that, along with
    > the "food pyramid", the "lipid hypothesis" is also going to
    > end up being absolutely wrong.

    I find most food grouping systems to be horribly flawed. First, some foods
    are mixtures. We can't classify meat as "good" or "bad". It is a mixture
    of good protein with bad fats. Second, we can't lump "all fats" together or
    "all carbohydrates". There are some good fats we want to maximize, and
    other bad fats that we want to minimize. Therefore, both "high fat" and
    "low fat" diets miss the mark. Therefore, I set out to create my own food
    groups based on my own nutritional understanding. This is how I classify
    foods into groups:

            Maximize: veggie proteins, incomplete proteins
            Neutral: fish, very lean meat, complete proteins
            Minimize: non very lean meat, charred or heat-damaged proteins

            Maximize: Monounsaturated fats, olive oil, fish oil, omega fatty acids
            Neutral: Polyunsaturated fats, canola, soybean, plant oils (except coconut,
            Minimize: Saturated fat, animal fats, coconut oil, palm oil, heat-damaged
    lipids, oxidized lipids

            Maximize: whole grains, vegetables
            Neutral: fructose, fruit sugars, complex carbohydrates, unrefined flour
            Minimize: glucose, refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, refined flour,
    white flour products, heat-damaged carbs?, oxidized carbs?

            Maximize: soluble fiber, oat bran
            Neutral: insoluble fiber
            Minimize: inedible fiber, bean pods, artichoke fiber, woody fiber, paper

            Maximize: pure water
            Neutral: hard water?, caffeinated drinks (diuretic effect), good tap water
            Minimize: sugary or salty water, contaminated water, poor tap water

            Maximize: clean fresh air, filtered
            Neutral: indoor air, recycled air
            Minimize: polluted air, dusty air, moldy air, pollen-filled air, radon gas

            I am not really sure if simple proteins are better than complex proteins.
    The body has to break down complete proteins into aminos, but this may not
    be bad. I consider meat a neutral protein instead of good because it is
    always mixed with bad lipids. If there were pure lipid-free meats, I could
    classify them as good. I am iffy on counting any carbohydrates as good,
    maybe they are merely neutral. I did put some foods on the matrix to give
    some examples, but I think a more accurate matrix would just contain
    macronutrients, and foods would be nutrient-calculated to see where they go
    on the chart.

    Harvey Newstrom, CISSP, IAM, GSEC

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