Re: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall

Date: Sun Apr 13 2003 - 12:28:28 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall"

    Damien opined:
    <<From all I've heard, foreigners
    tend to not hate American people, just our foreign policy actions, which
    considering we're supposed to be a democracy is arguably giving us more
    than we deserve. >>

    Buzz! Sorry wrong answer. If you really buy into the notion that "we hate
    your government, not you!" then you may have been nodding off over the last
    year and a half. Hating a government doesn't apply when it people that are
    attacked. And yes, this is consistant when you consider that governments
    aren't imported from Mars, they are always recruited from the populace. So
    let us both be consistant that when we attack a government, we are also
    attacking a people. Otherwise, there would be no civilian body count or
    colateral damage. Chirac has said it, as well as that German fellow on the
    list. You may buy into that claim, but I do not. Me bad.

    <<"Remove some settlements for peace", which we've heard before, while they
    continue building a fence separating farmers from their lands.  Very
    pessimistic, I'd say.

    -xx- Damien X-) >>

    Well, sometimes good fences make for better neighbors, or at least less
    violent encounters, if one removes the likelihood of encounters. For a
    real-world example, look to the Nato enforcement of ethnically cleansed
    regions of the Balkans. Why is there no massacres happening like there was,
    why did the Serbs depose Milosevic?

    In part because peoples who hate each other are physically separated. No
    suicide bombers getting in, means no deaths, unless they are recruited from
    Arab towns in Israel, which has been and is being attempted by Hamas, and the
    PA's Al Quds division. If such farmers, as you noted, have already sent their
    son's in as Shaheed, who will receive 72 virgins etc., then spearation seems
    necessary, because nothing else would work.

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