Re: Climate:Cool&Warm

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 12:16:07 MDT

  • Next message: Wei Dai: "Re: POLITICS: Neo-Conservative policies and power"

    Don't we, as Extropians, expect that mankind will have much greater power
    to influence the climate in the next several decades than he does today?
    Won't we be able to adjust atmospheric levels of greenhouse gasses to
    the point necessary to achieve our goals? In fact won't we likely be
    able to influence the weather as well as the climate in order to turn
    the earth into a garden, if we desire?

    The only real question is the political framework by which to balance the
    competing and incompatible goals of people all over the world as we make
    these modifications. The technical ability seems nearly certain.

    Are there any Extropians who support the Kyoto protocols, which would
    decrease CO2 levels marginally at considerable cost? Wouldn't it make
    more sense to wait until we have decent technology, when we can cheaply
    achieve much more meaningful changes?


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