Re: Ad Hominem fallacy again

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 10:50:26 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Spreading better memes (Re: Can Extropianism and Islam coexist?)"

    Lee Corbin wrote:

    >Anders writes
    > ...
    >>A good argument is a good argument, even if it is the
    >>devil himself that makes it.
    >Yes, that's true, provided that a "good argument" is still
    >a good argument when seen in the absolute total context of
    >everything that is known.
    Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to be certain about all the steps of
    an argument. Even where this is theoretically possible, e.g. in math,
    one can discover years later that there was a flaw in the central
    argument. So it becomes quite important to notice the reasons that an
    argument is being put forward. I.e., if the devil offers an argument
    one needs to be exceptionally skeptical. And even then, one must accept
    it with reservations and fall-back precautions.

    -- Charles Hixson
    Gnu software that is free,
    The best is yet to be.

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