RE: Pandering

From: gts (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 05:33:12 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Individuality"

    Lee Corbin wrote:

    > The only TV conservative I cannot stand is Bill O'Reilly, and
    > for exactly the type of incident gts related. He's seldom as
    > interested in an honest exchange as simple name-calling.

    O'Reilly is also disingenuous in that he calls himself "independent" rather
    than conservative or republican, while almost always toeing the GOP party
    line. He was a registered republican until recently, when some other news
    reporter called him on his dishonesty for identifying himself as
    independent. He then changed his voter's registration to independent, no
    doubt solely in order to continue billing himself on TV as having
    "independent" opinions.

    The most aggravating thing about FOX is not that it's biased; it's that it
    bills as unbiased when it is clearly the most biased news network. O'Reilly
    is only part of the problem there.

    On a scale of -10 to +10, where -10 is totally biased to the left, and +10
    is totally biased to the right, I place CNN at about a -3, and FOX at about
    a +9.

    > gts adds
    >> Yes, shock jocks.
    > Really think so? You mean, like Howard Stern?

    Yes, I'd say the only real difference between Howard Stern and Sean Hannity
    is that Hannity's programming is sophisticated enough to appeal to high
    school graduates. He's like Newt Gingrich on steroids.


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