Can Extropianism and Islam coexist?

From: Noah Horton (
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 15:03:01 MST

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    So a discussion on tribalism has been raging recently and this brought to
    mind a question of whether Islam is intrinsically an anti-extropian force.
    If it is deemed to be such a force, a second question is whether that
    means that Extropians as a tribe should be actively combatting it.

    Obviously the at least perceived anti-western attitudes of many muslims
    are one place where anti-extropic themes can be found. Yet another that
    comes to mind is that there are bits in the Koran to the effect of, "Live
    your life as closely as possible to that of Muhammed." Such passages, per
    my understanding, are often interpreted literally to mean that your life
    should be as similar as possible, including things like not watching TV if
    Muhammed didn't. Those are just some starter examples to get the
    conversation started.

    -Noah Horton

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