Re: (WAR) Proud 'n' Pray Patriotism

From: hubert mania (
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 00:18:33 MST

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Does international law exist? (was Re: [POLITICS/IRAQ] Thank God for the death of the UN ( JC))"

    Spudboy said:

    >German liberal teachers with peacful attitudes are merely self-serving >isolationists who hate the US (oh! Never the people, only the >government!)

    From your last two letters I have the impression that it is *you* who hates *Germany* making such laughable comments as Joschka Fischer being a "Braunhemd" in a green disguise - for those who don't understand German, it means the brown shirts the Nazis wore as part of their uniform. If you called him a former leftist radical and would condemn him for that I would have no problems discussing that.Could it be while cherishing contempt for Germany you think that those who critizise the US must also *hate* America?

    I can tell you: no country is worth hating it. I grew up with US culture and I am still very fond of a tiny part of US culture, but it costs enough energy to force back German mainstream politics and culture. So I do not have time or the least intention to let US mainstream culture and politics touch me on a level that entangles me so much as to feel hate.

    Then you say that envy together with a feeling of superiority makes one looking for scapegoats. I have not achieved very much in my life. But one thing is for sure: I am glad that I don't suffer from envy. As I said the other day: I don't care if the US is the best in the world in all categories, they can always be the winner and work their ass off for it. I don't mind at all. But I am up the barricades if the US abuse their own feeling of superiority and start to perform and establish even territorially the Darwinian law of the strongest in the whole world.

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