Re: (WAR) Proud 'n' Pray Patriotism (Was: Apparently the internet...)

Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 11:15:32 MST

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "SARS: latest news"

    Humania opined:
    <<I already told you: they hate Saddam and want him removed too, but by
    peaceful disarmament. >>

    Firstly: No actions or protests against Iraq or Osama-but against the US
              Actions speak louder than words.

    <<The overwhelming majority of the German people is USA friendly since 1945.
    The first - justified - break happened 1968, when leftist students protested
    against the US Vietnam politics. From then on a fraction of the German
    intelligencija kept critizing American politics or ridiculed certain aspects
    of the American way of life - quite rightly so. But Germany as a whole felt
    like it were the US' best friend.
    There has never been anti-Americanism as a "German cultural norm".  This is
    absolutely wrong though the influence of former leftist students who gained
    power during the 1990 (Schroeder, Fischer) is of course pretty strong. But
    even Fischer who was a street fighter of the radical left in the late 1960s
    cannot be called an anti-American politician. The crucial contemporary break
    in the relations between Germany and the US happened when Bush insisted of
    waging war against Iraq.>>

    2ndly: Break 1 came in 1968
               Break 2 came in 1983-remember the Pershing Missles?
               99 Luft Balloonz caused WW3, right? Nein! Nina was as poor a
               political analyst as she is a singer.

    Fischer is merely a Braunshirt in Green clothing. As far as being "friends",
    friends don't behave in such a manner. You'll have to sell the notion that
    "we are your friends, but not the friends of your government much harder, to
    the 70% that support the war. But my hope is that the rift between Europe
    (old) and USA can be widened politically, because with such friends, we don't
    need enemies. Now go protest against Islamist regimes, North Korean war
    mongers, and Jihadi terrorists, and prove your dedication to peace.

    What does not kill me, makes me stronger! ~F. Nietszche
    The funny thing is, he who said that, avoiding serving in two wars!

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