RE: WAR: Apparently the internet does NOT see censorship as damage and route

From: matus (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 10:54:53 MST

  • Next message: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky: "Re: Eat for your blood type?"


            Dont Dismay, Humania is just not familiar with the concept of coming to a
    rational conclusion after studying in depth both sides of an issue.
    Instead, if the masses are brainwashed without utilizing a single critical
    thinking nueron, it's a'ok as long as it jives with his own idealogy.

            Humania, the point Ron is trying to make is that Teachers should not be
    forcing ideas onto children and students, they should encourage children to
    study questions, even difficult ones, and understand both sides of
    arguments, and then make a decision based on a clear understanding of both
    sides, additionally, they should be able to acknolwedge when they do not
    know enough to speak intelligently on a subject.

            With some 80% - 90% of the teachers in the US being liberals, and the
    Teachers Unions donating to liberal campaigns, its not hard to understand
    why so many students hate America, George Bush, and everything his
    administration does. Its hard not to when it is drilled into you from the
    time you are a young child.

    Michael Dickey

    "whats wrong with that"

           You had a protest of perhaps a few dozen or a hundred teachers. You
    proclaim it as a protest of thousands of students. That is what is wrong.
    Ron h."

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