RE: [WAR]: Windbags of War and the Third Vision

From: nanowave (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 11:33:05 MST

  • Next message: nanowave: "RE: [WAR]: Windbags of War and the Third Vision (correction)"

    Michael Wiik writes:

    ><<I saw a TV report that one UK official claimed that if not for
    >France's intransigence, war could have been prevented. So, it's not the
    >countries that are advocating war and massing troops around Iraq that
    >are responsible, it's a country resisting the push to war. I suppose
    >that makes sense: Imagine three men who have met a woman alone in a dark
    >alley. Two of them threaten to rape her, but one refuses to cooperate.
    >The two aggressors tell the third man, "It's your fault that we have to
    >rape her. If only we had presented a united front, she would have given
    >up hope and submitted voluntarily."

    Well, what an amazing analogy. Of course, a much closer one might go
    something like this:

    Three police officers have a rapist cornered in a dark alley. One cop,
    having seen this perp before, suspects he may be armed and so immediately
    draws his service revolver. A second cop, not knowing the perp, nonetheless
    notes a suspicious bulge under the man's jacket and likewise draws his
    service revolver. All three yell in unison: "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" But
    then the third cop decides to start an argument about the seriousness of the
    threat. He wonders whether if they might not have the wrong guy. He wonders
    if the perp might have forgotten to load it his weapon that morning, or if
    whether they even have a right to be enforcing the laws in this manner.

    The rapist, sensing his opportunity, quickly draws his weapon and empties it
    in the direction of the bickering trio.

    Fortunately the two armed officers are not hit, but a bullet does strike the
    fr... I mean, the third cop right between the eyes.

    Russell Evermore

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