From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 15:54:07 MST
No, I'm not going to give my take on Mishima here! (How many will get
that reference here without resorting to google?:)
Instead I want to ask a general question:
Is patriotism an Extropic value?
Related to this is nationalism an Extropic value?
Perhaps the problem with both these terms is the amount of emotion and
rhetoric surrounding them. Nationalism is almost always what people
from other countries have, while patriotism is almost always reserved
for one's own, well, compatriots.
Also, during this time of crisis -- as well as during many others --
people who disagree over foreign policy issues often accuse each other
of not being patriotic -- or not patriotic enough. So determining just
what stance or behavior is patriotic might be hard to pin down
_objectively_ in any case. (Even if it were easy, this would still not
answer my question above.)
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