Re: Obesity (was Extropic Priniciples)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 12:05:52 MST

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: Obesity In America was RE: Extropic Priorities"

    I think most talk about obesity here is taking a decidedly
    un-Extropian point of view. Yes, there is a terrible tragedy
    here, but it's not that we aren't taking steps to curb obesity
    and extend our lives--the tragedy is that our present bodies
    are misdesigned in such a way that the sumptuous pleasures that
    are our very reason for wanting to live have disastrous side-
    effects. I have no interest at all in being a an emaciated
    exercise-obsessed 120-year-old human; I want to be a
    1000-year-old sexy glutton.

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
    "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
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