Re: Extropic Priorities

From: Greg Jordan (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 08:42:02 MST

  • Next message: Jonathan Standley: "Problems of a global nature"

    On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

    > So, *why* the blazes is the ExI list debating IRAQ when
    > it should be debating caloric intake? Just what part
    > of the principle of "rational thinking" is not being
    > understood (e.g. saving more people is perhaps better
    > than saving fewer people)? While I will freely

    Perhaps Extriopians could clarify the often contradictory dietary claims
    of nutritionists - what really constitutes a healthy diet? I saw
    (Scientific American?) recently that someone re-wrote the "Food Guide
    Pyramid." Is there any genuine benefit to unusual combinations of
    vitamins, minerals, or other supplements? What happened to the long-life
    cocktail? And on the broader political scene - how to get adequate and
    healthy (and aesthetic) food to those who need it, across insane
    boundaries of politics and money class...


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