Inability to see the enemy (was RE: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 18:13:23 MST

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: FW: [ScrappleFace]: Raelians 'Download' Dolly's Brain Into New Clone"

    Cory writes

    > I've never read in a history book of an invaded
    > land...and I mean close enough proximity to see,
    > where people were holding a peace protest and
    > not scrambling for their lives. Am I wrong?

    Yes. Athens in the Peloponnesian War:

    While Spartan forces were marauding the countryside
    around Athens, the asshole Socrates and others were
    saying everything pro-Sparta that they could think
    of. A certain playwright was advocating peace and
    disarmament in his theatrical productions.

    The worst crime of it was that a number of people
    were listening to Socrates, and applauding those
    productions, and this at a time when Spartan
    tyranny was well-known. So next time some loony
    leftist seems to be going beyond all reason, just
    remember that so did "the wisest of them all".

    Alas, some people's emotions, healthy prejudices,
    and natural human common sense are simply broken.


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