Not about IRAQ at all, was Re: Bush budget has 0 dollars for Afghanistan

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 22:53:28 MST

  • Next message: Michael M. Butler: "Re: TECH: PDA applications of note"

    Lee Corbin wrote:

    <Excellent exegesis elided...>

    > For it can well-inhere in the cultural foundations of a
    > society or civilization. While Turkey, or perhaps soon
    > Iran or Iraq, may aspire to Western level prosperity, it
    > could be deep-seated relationships between the culture that
    > animates the lives of their millions of citizens, their
    > religions, and their histories that simply cannot be changed
    > except over the course of many, many decades, if at all.
    > Lee

    A very significant stumbling block on the way to the kind of
    amity which ought to be possible emerges when one looks at the
    driving dynamic of places missing those qualities listed in the
    text I snipped out.

    Roughly, it reads as

    "_Finally_ we can get those <x> bastards back."

    That seems to be a common denominator of civilization-failure, or
    barbarity-success. It's a plug-in fit for Marxism, Pol Pot, and the
    LA Rodney King riots, to name three. I'd lay long odds that it
    predominates under the surface in most parts of the 'stans today.
    Sorry to lump them together, but there you have it.

    It's complicated by substantial odds that some of the <x> *are*
    bastards and / or barbarians, or were.

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