Re: META: Banning Iraq discussion

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 18:46:10 MST

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: War and Peace."

    Brett Paatsch wrote:
    > Eliezer Yudkowski wrote:
    >>This isn't helping anyone. In case everyone has forgotten,
    >>the war ends here. You know the war I'm talking about?
    > Actually, I am *really* not sure that I do.
    > It could be "the war" contained in this excellent post:


    That's the one - evolution's war.

    >>The one that's been going on for a very, very long time?
    > So not just 'Iraq' but thermodynamics?

    Halting thermodynamics is beyond the range of what I can imagine well
    enough to judge. My dispute is with the Darwinian era of complex
    organization, which is a consequence of thermodynamics but not the only
    consequence of thermodynamics. But that aside...

    >>And it's something we can affect... unlike certain other
    >>events that will *not* be determined here.
    > So stopping entropy in the universe we can affect "here"
    > but current events in the political world we should just take
    > on faith as beyond our capacity to affect despite the much
    > lauded leveraging power of Google and that the ExI list
    > brings together a variety of people with skills, contacts and
    > experience and almost certainly some shared values from all
    > around the world?

    Realistically speaking? Yes.

    >>I call for a three-month ban on the Iraq topic. I've seen
    >>the Extropians list do so much better than this.
    > I don't think it is either wise or even particularly clear to ban
    > discussion on anything that people think you *might* think
    > to be about the "Iraq topic".
    > It seems to me that you are proposing banning the topic likely
    > to be of *greatest* interest and *most* extropic consequence over
    > exactly that period when it will be of *most* relevance and of
    > most natural concern to many on the list..
    > Let us be very very clear here. You are not proposing engaging
    > further yourself to lift the level of debate, you are not proposing
    > to just read around a topic that you have posted on yourself in
    > the past, you are not making some point about more efficient
    > ways to communicate you are *actually* proposing closing
    > down for three months what other people want to say *before*
    > the particular circumstances and ramifications they wish to
    > discuss have even arisen.

    That is correct. Why? Because I see this discussion destroying
    friendships, which might otherwise have proved effective in the pursuit of
    effective causes, and for nothing.

    > To yield to the temptation to practice this sort of censorship
    > looks to me like kicking an extropic own-goal. I vote against.
    > But if you really want to go down the route of censorship and
    > I *do* note the support for it (and thankfully *some* opposition)
    > then at least do it properly. Set a time for tallying the votes and
    > I will abid by the will of the majority.

    If I recall correctly the list is a benevolent dictatorship of ExI, though
    member-influenced, of course.

    Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
    Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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