RE: Bush budget has 0 dollars for Afghanistan

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 11:52:45 MST

  • Next message: Ramez Naam: "RE: CONCUR: Re: META: Banning Iraq discussion"

    From: []
    > Then you really have to look at a bigger picture. If
    > going into Afghanistan saved us being hit a 2nd time
    > by the Al Qaeda what is the cost for that relative to
    > the cost of going into Afghanistan?

    The bigger pictures is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not
    complaining about the cost of going into Afghanistan. Rather, I'm
    pointing out the huge disparity between the steps the US is willing to
    take to address problems in the short term (invading a country, taking
    out a current terrorist group) vs. addressing problems in the long
    term (spreading democracy, stabilizing fragile areas, stamping out
    global poverty, ignorance, and oppression).

    I believe that terrorism is more dangerous than individual terrorists.
    We can kill all the terrorists we want, but unless we go after some of
    the root causes of terrorism, it's pointless.

    Conversely, so long as the US props up dictators who oppress their own
    populace, the US is investing in future terrorism. So it seems to me
    that we're taking short-term action against terrorists at the same
    time that we're promoting terrorism in the long term. Not very


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