Re: Giant anti-war demonstration in Melbourne

Date: Sat Feb 15 2003 - 00:37:52 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Media Bias"

    The protests are anti-American is goal and nature. What they want is unclear,
    but whom they are against surely is. Had we attacked Saudi, or continued on
    into Pakistan, where Osama is, where the Pakistani ISI protects him; the
    protests would be all the more vociferous. Your "broken and contained nation"
    is still capable of obtaining nukes and missle systems. Its still interested
    in allying itself with Osama and any other thug that comes along, like Kim
    Jung Ill.

    michael mbhubbard opined:
    <<Delurking for a moment...
    Are anti-war protests in the US also anti-American, then?
    And I'd differ on the Gore thing, too. Gore wouldn't neccessarily look for
    any reason he could find to attack Saddam. He would more likely have
    attempted to actually prosecute, or as GBII might say, persecute, a war
    on some actual terrorists rather than invading an already broken and mostly
    contained nation.>>

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