Quantum superposition, microtubules & MVT consciousness

From: Steve (steve@multisell.com)
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 03:39:51 MST

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: Where the I is"

    Although I partly disagree with Prof Hammeroff & others who hold
    a microtubule explanation for consciousness (I think too low level a
    description of events, and also doesn't encompass evolutionary biology),
    there might be a way in which MVT ( a neurological & computational
    solution to the Mind-Body problem) is consistent with such a view.

    My physics is not particularly strong, but perhaps someone could tell
    me why a seeming observation of dual occupation of "space" might not
    really be a blur caused by dual/ persistent occupation of different points
    time? Given that time is "measurement of movement in space" (if every atom
    and sub-atomic particle in the universe froze, time would not happen) and
    the difficulty with our limited senses and apparatus of measuring sub-nano
    level shifts, this strikes me as the likely case.

    In that case, if there is a 'lag' between different times, then the MVT
    phantom pineal eye could well have quantum connectivity with our brains
    because of dual occupancy of time...... no 'physical' pineal eye now, but it
    start to develop in us embryonically, so has a biological latency and
    pattern, so
    maybe has an engram or organisational effect in our brains on quantum level.

    Just a thought, will try to develop further. Any feedback?

    www.chaturanga.com The Mother of all War Games
    www.Multi.co.uk MVT, all-conquering philosophy

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