Re: asks most dangerous country

From: Kai Becker (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 13:22:01 MST

  • Next message: Dickey, Michael F: "RE: asks you to vote for most dangerous country"

    Am Montag, 3. Februar 2003 19:55 schrieb
    > Yes, please "Think about dead women and children." Think of the
    > women, children and elderly that have been starved or that have died
    > because they have not received adequate medical care so Humania's
    > friend Sadaam could have the money to buy WMDs. Think of the people
    > injured, killed or raped when Sadaam invaded Kuwait.

    Before this start to get ridiculous again, we surely can agree on a few

    (1) Saddam Hussein and all dictators like him should be removed from
    power and put to a place where they can't harm anyone.
    (2) Human rights and democracy should be reality in every country
    (3) WMDs should not be in the hand of non-democratic, violent nations
    (4) Terrorist groups and their supporters, supporting governments and
    persons should be prosecuted and punished.

    The question at hand is not whether Saddam Hussein should be left in
    power, but what could be the right way to remove him without messing
    everything up.

    So, it would at least be a little productive to discuss the how-to
    instead of simply insulting each other.


    == Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany ==
      "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

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