Re: Not only cloning, but talking about it may become a crime in France

From: Rüdiger (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 08:28:33 MST

  • Next message: Alejandro Dubrovsky: "RE: Complaint about American Media"

    --- Anders Sandberg <> wrote:
    > Overall, it may have a
    > chilling effect on the debate, and represents a dangerous step
    > that should be opposed firmly and loudly.

    The problem seems to be that it gets fashionable in the US and Europe
    to transform democratic structures into bureaucratic and eventually
    totalitarian structures. Maybe it doesn't make that much sense any more
    to oppose each single law and instead try to remind the law making
    bodies that they must take the respective constitution more serious
    than the lobbyists. This seems most urgent in the US which is already
    sliding down a slippery road to totalitarism.

    Personally, I find the current copyright craze even more scary. And
    when I read how eagerly McCarthy's heirs (Homeland foobar) grab power
    in the US I am glad to live on the east side of the Atlantic ocean.
    Hope the Americans don't wait 'till witch hunting starts.


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