AI and recession of immanence

From: avatar (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 20:19:45 MST

A recent article on the notion of 'recession' of immanence in practical AI set me wondering on the train.

Here I was, in a world in which not only do some apes talk (though not in direct verbal English) but trains talk, but the reality had not set in. It wasn't as if the train was talking via recording taped messages played on a cassette player by a driver pushing play at each station.

Information was being collated through sensory systems (very primitve to be sure, and initially set up by human typing of script) and transmitted to the train, processed, put into output and speech synthesized and produced.

There I was, and suddenly I realized how much better the speech synthesis was than in the old days. Not only clearer than a train driver's announcements usually are, but 50% of the time close enough to human to sound realistic.

"Approaching AI Station..."

Towards Ascension
Avatar Polymorph

34 After Armstrong

In Celebration of the Techno-Rapture
Maximum choice and minimum non-consensual force
Avatar Polymorph
Star A Star
Alpha Null
Radiant Era
Neon Orthogenesis
Axiom Flux

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