Re: Iraq: the case for decisive action

Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 09:36:41 MST

"2nd BTW, we know we have disrupted their strategy because they
published it on line. They were going to use the same strategy they used
against the Soviets. They would entice us into the countryside and use their
superior knowledge of the terrain to conduct hit and run raids until we were
picked apart. They did go into the countryside. We did follow them. Then
things seemed to go awry. They seem to be doing a lot more running than
hitting, raiding or picking us apart.
Ron h."

I wonder if this was because unlike against the Soviets, these Afghani forces
lacked the billions of dollars in support that the Mujahadeen received from
the United States, China, and Israel? Naaaaaaaah. Couldn't be. The US just
got lucky. It must have been a fluke! Well, we know that intervention in Iraq
will certainly lead to mass casualties for our troops, just like it did in
the Gulf War...Oh wait...

 Of course, the Taliban was supposed to inflict mass casualties and humiliate
the US, as had occurred when the Soviets attempted to conquer that nation and
when the US intervened in Vietnam. And we all know that the "heroic" North
Vietnamese Communists "defeated" the United States all by their lonesome…:)

Your favorite devout anti-Communist,

Max Plumm

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