From: Kai Becker (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 01:21:44 MST
Am Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2003 01:10 schrieb
> Here is the German newspaper site that leaked the story:
> They seem to have decided to leave out the names of the 80 German
> companies that were named on this list. :-/
*g* did you read the whole article? Do you know the Tageszeitung (taz)?
In the text to that list, taz writes: "Wir dokumentieren die Namen der
Unternehmen aus allen fünf ständigen Mitgliedstaaten des Rates, die seit
Mitte der 70er-Jahre an der Aufrüstung Iraks beteiligt waren oder noch
sind (siehe Seite 3)." --> "We document the names of companies from all
five permanent member countries of the [security] council, who have
participated in the armament of Iraq or still are." The permanent members
are the USA, Britain, France, Russia and China. I guess, that's why many
more countries are missing.
I did not find a source for "the 80 german companies", that only
"memoryhole" mentions.
taz writes: "Die umfangreichen Informationen über die Zulieferungen und die
Unterstützung ausländischer Firmen, Laboratorien und Regierungen für die
Aufrüstung Iraks seit Mitte der Siebzigerjahre in dem Bericht Bagdads an
den UNO- Sicherheitsrat sollen nach dem Willen seiner fünf ständigen
Mitglieder unter Verschluss bleiben." --> "The extensive informations
about supply and support of foreign companies, laboratories and
governments for the armament of Iraq since the middle of the 70s in
Bagdads report to the UN security council shall be locked away, according
to the will of its five permanent members".
And on: "Selbst den zehn nichtständigen Mitgliedern des Rates - zu denen
ab 1. Januar auch Deutschland gehören wird - wurden die
beschaffungsrelevanten Teile des Berichts vorenthalten. Mit dieser
Entscheidung wollen die USA, Russland, China, Frankreich und
Großbritannien ihre maßgebliche, zum Teil bis heute fortdauernde
Verantwortung für die Aufrüstung Iraks weiterhin geheim halten." -->
"Even the ten non-permanent members - of which Germany will be one from
Jan, 1st - were not given access to the procurement specific parts of
the report. With this decision, the USA, Russia, China, France and
Britain will keep secret their significant, partly still enduring
responsibility for the armament of Iraq."
taz says they got "beschaffungsrelevante Passagen" (parts relevant to
procurement) of the UN report. They don't mention where and how they got
it from and from whom. The question, who's little game it was to silently
give that list to taz is open for every conspiration theory.
taz is a rather left wing paper and would never leave out a chance to
write about illegal activities of german companies. You can find many
articles about these topics in their archive. They are, btw, not very
government friendly, neither to ours nor the US ;-)
-- == Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany == "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"
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