Re: War arguments

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 14:55:58 MST

> (John K Clark <>):
> > Those who wish to convince me that we should not attak Iraq (and
> > frankly I'm leaning toward that conclusion) must be able to tell me
> > exactly how Iraq differs from Afghanistan, and why those specific
> > differences justify the latter but not the former.
> Well said. I can think of one important difference and I know it's not
> politically correct to say so and I'm not saying by itself it justifies
> going to war but there is no point pretending it doesn't exist, the fact is
> Iraq has oil and Afghanistan does not.

Yep, it's not very PC to say so, but so far that's the best argument
I've heard so far in favor of the attack; not just that they have oil
per se, but that installing a more friendly regime will lessen our
depndence on Saudi oil, and the Saudis are the real philosophical
problem. I fear, though, that the US may depose Saddam only to
install a regime that is friendly to US oil interests but just as
despotic to its own people, or that we'll take advantage of the new
Iraqi/Saudi competition in oil and support the lowest bidder, even
if that's the Wahabbist Saudis.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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